Mr. Gauri Pradhan Appointed As The International Coordinator Of LDC Watch

On behalf of the Board and the International Secretariat of LDC Watch, I am pleased to welcome Mr. Gauri Pradhan as its International Coordinator. Mr. Pradhan is a human rights defender and development activist, who has served as a member of Nepal’s Human Rights Commission. He was the former President of the NGO Federation of Nepal and Alliance for Human Rights and Social Justice. He is regarded as one of the pioneers of the child rights movement in South Asia. Along with Nobel Peace Prize laureate Mr. Nelson Mandela and other dignitaries, he received the title of “Global Leadership in the Best Interest of Children” in 2000 by UNICEF. He is a powerful and persuasive activist in the Global Campaign for Education, the Global March against Child Labour, and the Global Movement against Human Trafficking.

He has considerable experience in working in local, national, regional, and international processes and engaging with people at all these levels. His experiences include leading delegations in various international fora. He had actively participated in the Third and Fourth UN Conferences on LDCs held in Brussels and Istanbul in 2001 and 2011 respectively.

I have every confidence that Mr. Pradhan will provide capable leadership that is deserving of his position. The Board and International Secretariat of LDC Watch look forward to continued and active cooperation with all of its friends in the years to come.

Demba Moussa Dembele

President, LDC Watch

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