LDC Watch Statement On Promulgation Of New Constitution In Nepal

LDC Watch Statement on promulgation of new Constitution in Nepal- LDC Watch

September 23, 2015

Poverty Eradication and Sustainable Development in Nepal

(A Statement published by LDC Watch on the promulgation of the new Constitution in Nepal)

LDC Watch welcomes the promulgation of the “Constitution of Nepal 2015” and congratulates its people, civil society, and the Government on their tireless efforts for the last 65 years to make it possible through the Constituent Assembly. It is hoped that the new Constitution of Nepal will help to eradicate poverty and all forms of discrimination and social exclusion in order to make Nepal a truly Federal Democratic Republic.

Since the first UN LDC Conference held in Paris in 1981, Nepal has been continuously fighting for poverty eradication and to achieve sustainable development. However, no significant progress has been achieved so far in this regard. Constant natural disasters, political instability, and delayed result-oriented peace processes have challenged the people’s aspiration for peace, progress, and prosperity.

As one of the youngest Federal Democratic Republics in the world, Nepal has a progressive duty to fulfill its obligations as committed in international conventions and human rights instruments. However, the devastating earthquakes of April and May 2015 have made Nepal more vulnerable, due to the loss of thousands of lives and property. This might negatively impact Nepal’s graduation from the LDC category by 2022.

Despite this, we hope that Nepal will be able to fulfill some of its national obligations as stated in the Istanbul Programme of Action for the Least Developed Countries for the decade 2011-2020 (IPoA). To help achieve this, we call upon international donors and development partners to cancel Nepal’s external debt and provide the necessary grants to support Nepal’s efforts to recover and rebuild the nation.

LDC Watch extends to Nepal, one of the least developed countries in the world, its firm solidarity for its commitment to inclusive democracy, human rights, and sustainable development. LDC Watch also calls on the Government of Nepal to effectively implement the newly promulgated Constitution and resolve the current crisis through political dialogue to bring rays of hope into the lives of people and the nation as a whole.

(File) LDC Watch Statement on Promulgation of New Constitution in Nepal – 74 kB (File Size)

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