LDC Watch along with 187 other civil society organizations, representing hundreds of millions of members across the globe, urge the members of the World Trade Organization (WTO) to abandon the negotiations towards a binding agreement on Trade Facilitation in advance of the upcoming 9th Ministerial meeting of the WTO in Bali (letter both in English and French attached below).
Binding rules on Trade Facilitation should not be promoted either inside the WTO through the proposed Trade Facilitation (TF) agreement, nor through other avenues such as bilateral or regional Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) or Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs). Developing countries should have the policy space to adopt, at their discretion, higher levels or standards and customs–related procedures as and when the capacity exists to do so, taking into account their development context.
Click a link here: https://ldcwatch.org/files/LDC%20Watch_LDC5%20Newsletter%20issue%205.pdf