About Us


The Least Developed Countries represent the poorest and weakest segment of the international community. They comprise more than 880 million people (about 12 per cent of world population) but account for less than 2 percent of world GDP and about 1 percent of global trade in goods
Their low level of socio-economic development is characterised by weak human and institutional capacities, low and unequally distributed income and scarcity of domestic financial resources. They often suffer from governance crisis, political instability and, in some cases, internal and external conflicts. Their largely agrarian economies are affected by a vicious cycle of low productivity and low investment. They rely on the export of few primary commodities as a major source of export and fiscal earnings, which makes them highly vulnerable to external terms-of-trade shocks.

LDC Watch strives to go beyond the IPoA in addressing poverty, hunger, social injustices, and human rights in the LDCs. LDC Watch, therefore, has been raising its voice and articulating its perspectives in a multi-stakeholder framework, engaging with the UN, LDC governments, and their development partners, both as partners and pressure groups.
LDC Watch has Special Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) and is accredited to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).

Brussels to Istanbul

LDC Watch evolved out of the NGO Forum process that was held in parallel to the Third UN Conference on LDCs (LDC-III) in Brussels in 2001. By the end of the decade, LDC Watch firmly established its position as the foremost representative of LDC civil society. The Office of the UN Secretary-General mandated LDC Watch, as its civil society partner, to globally coordinate the civil society track towards and at the LDC-IV, which culminated with a parallel Civil Society Forum. The Civil Society Forum Declaration is acknowledged in Paragraph 17 of the Istanbul Political Declaration.
At the present, it has been continuing its policy advocacy and campaigns towards monitoring and reviewing the implementation of the DPoA as well as defending the interests of the LDCs mainly in the international trade (World Trade Organisation), climate (UNFCCC) and Post-2015/SDGs negotiations.


LDC Watch envisions a world - free of LDCs - fully enjoying justice, dignity, peace and human rights.


LDC Watch aims to draw on the strength, expertise and commitment of LDC civil society to engage with their governments and the international community towards effective implementation of the IPoA including other IADGs such as the newly adopted SDGs.

Strategic Objectives

To increase awareness on the IPoA and its implementation, with LDC and global civil society, parliamentarians, LDC governments and development partners, the UN system, international organisations, multilateral institutions and the media, as relevant stakeholders.

To enhance the capacity of LDC civil society to effectively advocate, campaign and network with relevant stakeholders for the implementation of the IPoA.

To promote increased attention and delivery of the specific commitments to LDCs in the global development processes and other IADGs, such as the SDGs, the Financing for Development (FfD), and the Global Partnership for Effective Development Co-operation (GPEDC), South-South Cooperation, the UNFCCC and the WTO.

To build and expand the LDC Watch network as a stronger representative of LDC civil society.

To enhance alliance-building and networking with global civil society, in the South and North, for effective advocacy and campaigns towards LDC-specific global commitments.

Key Advocacy and Campaigns of LDC Watch

LDC Watch Alliances and Partners

LDC Watch aims to enhance alliance-building and networking with global civil society, in the South and North, for effective advocacy and campaigns toward LDC-specific global commitments. Key partners include the South Asia Alliance on Poverty Eradication (SAAPE), People’s SAARC, Asian People’s Movement on Debt and Development (APMDD), Pan African Climate Justice Alliance (PACJA), Arab NGO Network for Development (ANND), Our World is Not For Sale (OWINFS) network, Social Watch, Third World Network (TWN), Friends of the Earth, and the media partner of LDC Watch, the LDC Watch News Service.

How can you be a part of LDC Watch?

LDC Watch has national focal points in LDCs to coordinate and expand the constituency at the national level. You and your organization can be a part of LDC Watch by reaching out to the national focal points.

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