LDC Watch Statement at the UNFCCC Intersessional, Bonn, Germany Delivered by Azeb Girmai 1 June, 2015

Thank you chair, I am Azeb Girmai from Ethiopia, speaking on behalf of LDC Watch, a member of Climate Justice Now! Chair, we are concerned about the fact that market solutions are still considered as solutions to achieve emission reductions when we all know clearly that past experiences show that carbon trading has not resulted in the real emissions reduction that the world needs.

We desire a price on carbon. This does not mean a global carbon market, using offsets, but means that polluters pay a real cost for the damage from their emissions. Using offsets would only serve to commodify nature, slow the transformation process, and trample on human and community rights.

We must also stress that resources generated from markets are NOT climate finance, they are neither adequate nor predictable. Climate finance is a legal commitment of the developed countries which cannot be met through markets. We stress, Chair, for us in the LDCs markets remain a FALSE Solution. Another false solution is a so-called “Climate Smart Agriculture”, and so we welcome SBSTAworkshops which focus on real solutions of adaptation and risk reduction strategies in agriculture.

Thank you!

(File) LDC Wath Statement at UNFCCC Intersessional by Azeb Girmai – 49KB (File Size)

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