Regional Consultation of the Pacific LDCs Held

Regional Consultation of the Pacific LDCs Held

16 March 2018

Civil Society leaders from the Pacific countries, namely Fiji, Kiribati, Niue, Solomon Islands, Tuvalu and Vanuatu, along with the LDC Watch Team, representatives from the Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat (PIFS), Pacific Climate Action Network (PICAN), Pacific Action Network for Globalisation (PANG), IUCN, Social Empowerment Education Programme (SEEP) and the COP23 Secretariat came together to deliberate the pressing issues faced by LDCs of the region. Among the issues discussed were Climate Change Adaptation and International Support, Fair Trade, Energy Security, Food Sovereignty, and Sustainable Graduation. An expert from Samoa, a country that recently graduated from the LDC category shared the opportunities and challenges faced by the country after graduation.

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